22 November, 2023
Woodford lights up for Lantern Parade
Woodford will be a hive of activity from 5pm to 9pm on Friday December 1, as the annual Woodford Street Carnival and Lantern Parade takes place in Archer Street.

More than 600 lanterns and more than 60 stalls are expected, while other features include food trucks, street performers, amusement rides, marching bands and much more.
While most of the event will be outdoors, there will be plenty of activity inside the Woodford Memorial Hall, where dancers, vocal groups and a brass band will perform.
Another feature will be free family Christmas photos at the museum.
The parade will have all of the local schools marching with lanterns while car and motorbike clubs and vintage tractors are led by a police car with sirens and flashing lights.
Meanwhile the Woodford Lions Club will launch the latest mega cash raffle, with 2500 tickets. First prize will be $20,000 while there are also five draws of $1,000.