6 June, 2024
What’s the plan for Glen Rock?
Esk locals have been left with more questions than answers, after reading about Somerset Council’s plans for the northern end of Middle Street and Mount Glen Rock.

After Middle Street resident David Evans made public objections and inquiries as to why Council wanted to upgrade and bitumen the small stretch of gravel road on the northern end of Middle Street, which only serves five properties and is a dead end, The Sentinel broke the news that upgrading this road is part of a bigger project involving Glen Rock recreational facilities.
After learning about this plan Mr Evans said the it “isn’t as bad as what he thought was happening”, but is still disappointed with the lack of consulting with residents and local, adding it has opened a larger debate regarding plans for Glen Rock.
“I thought they were putting in a double lane and widening the road, so a single lane and only losing two koala trees is not so bad,” he said.
“While it’s better news than expected, it still feels like a waste of money to bitumen that entire road.
“It’s just opened more questions about what the plans are for Glen Rock, because nobody knows and it feels like they are just bulldozing straight ahead without consultation.”
Care4esK president Darren Bate has said everything is only speculation until residents have their meeting with Council on June 14. However, he also has more questions in regard to the koala conservation of the area.
“It seems they are only wanting to remove two koala trees and have off sets for those, but where is the off set? Are they within the same corridor? These are all questions I think will come up in the meeting,” he said.
According to Cr Wendt, “Middle Street at Esk is being upgraded to provide a safe and attractive link from the Esk township to the Mount Glen Rock trail”.
The plan is to do so by building a single lane, sealed road, which widens at the Brisbane Valley Highway intersection, to match the existing footprint.
“This project is an important step in the development of Mount Glen Rock and its recreational facilities,” Cr Wendt said.
“With these upgrades Council will be facilitating the safe access for trail users to what will be the main entrance to Mount Glen Rock.”
According to Cr Wendt, the project is set to cost about $330,000, having been earmarked for improvements since 2021, and a lot of effort has gone into preserving koala trees, including making the upgrade only a single lane instead of double.
Cr Wendt also assured residents that Council is “always open to discussions” and considers the community when making decisions.
Council, residents and concerned parties will have a meeting in Esk on June 14 to discuss the upgrade plans.