10 November, 2022
Wamuran Women’s Shed bringing together rural women
WOMEN of all ages, backgrounds, skills and interests are being encouraged to become a “sheddie” with the Wamuran Women’s Shed.

After officially incorporating in July of this year, the group runs a variety of weekly activities including coffee catch-ups, craft workshops and exercise activities.
Treasurer Sally Close said the purpose of the Wamuran Women’s Shed is for women to learn new skills, build friendships and connect with the community.
“We also have a focus on women’s mental health.,” she said.
Sally said once a month they host “shed talks” and invite special guests to talk about topics including anxiety, nutrition and dealing with grief.
Secretary Kaz Jacobi said that whilst the group is yet to find a shed, 60 members have embraced the opportunity to get together and participate in different activities.
Previous workshops have included macrame, sewing, pottery and now lantern making for the Woodford Community Carnival and Lantern Parade.
They also participate in a
variety of physical activities such as parkrun, walking the Wamuran Rail Trail and barefoot bowls.
Kaz said that before joining the group she had very few connections in the area.
“Now I am really good friends with all of these women,” she said.
Sally said the idea of having a Women’s Shed in Wamuran came about after a few women recognised that isolation is a major issue in rural areas.
“The feedback has been that women have loved meeting others,” she said.
“We have women coming from Beachmere, Morayfield and even Stanmore.”
Sally and Kaz said their logo is reflective of their group – the heart shaped strawberry
symbolises the Wamuran area, and the crown highlights that women are queens.
Their long-term goal is to open a shed, hopefully within the next couple of years, so women can drop in at any time, bring their crafts and have a chat.
The Wamuran Women’s Shed members are always looking for new members.
“We are here to support you.”