

25 February, 2025

Toogoolawah SS captains lead with kindness and inclusivity

When the Toogoolawah State School captains were asked about their school, they mentioned the beautiful surroundings, and how fortunate we are as a school, not just because of the facilities, but also, the overall school environment.

Toogoolawah SS captains, George and Willow.
Toogoolawah SS captains, George and Willow.

Both George and Willow agreed that everyone at Toogoolawah SS is approachable, kind, and respectful. They went on to say how welcoming and supportive all staff are, and how fortunate they are to be a part of it all, particularly as student leaders.

They see their role as leaders to help guide students by being the best role models they can be, demonstrating the three PBL rules of being safe, being respectful, and being a learner.

Together, they want to guide students to be successful both behaviorally and socially, by being aware of students to ensure that everyone feels included and accepted.

With the other student leaders of Toogoolawah State School, Willow and George strive to provide a voice for all students in an open and respectful way. Overall, they are very excited for the year ahead.


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