16 March, 2023
Tibrogargan Masonic Lodge celebrates 100th anniversary
TIBROGARGAN Masonic Lodge celebrated its installation on Saturday March 11, which coincided with the 100-year anniversary of the formation of the lodge.

Approximately 80 Freemasons from 15 Masonic lodges witnessed the installation of the master, Worshipful Brother Ronald Robert McMellon.
The Centennial Banquet followed on from the installation, with guests celebrating the 100-year milestone with good food and music.
Brother Ronald said 132 brethren and guests attended the banquet.
“The highlight of the night was the playoff between three bagpipers from Argyle Lodge and 20 members of the Northside Concert Orchestra’s Jazz Band,” he said.
“The night was a glowing success with everyone leaving with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts having thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie and entertainment.
“Any milestone in any organisation should be celebrated to recognise the efforts of those who have come before us and the legacy that they have left us. It is also an opportunity to reset and focus.
“To ensure we are achieving the goals we have set out and adjusted our course, if required, to do so.
“Tibrogargan Masonic Lodge has centred their attention over the next period of time on In the Paws of Angels, a local Morayfield charity using assistance dogs to positively impact the lives of people of all ages learning to cope with PTSD or autism.
“The other organisation we are assisting is the Northside Concert Orchestra which has a number of bands and orchestras, but in particular the youth orchestra which supports youth with instruments and life goals.
“These youth usually come from home environments that vary in providing all the needs and aspirations of these youth.”
A Grand Lodge officer said they had attended many of the installations for Tibrogargan over the past 50 years, but said this was the best yet and wished to congratulate those who organised the event.
Tibrogargan Lodge will open their doors to the public for their reconsecration ceremony on Saturday May 13 at 1:30pm.
A book illustrating the 100-year history of the lodge will be released at the ceremony.
Any brother interested in joining Freemasonry or discussing what Freemasonry is about should contact our Secretary Brian Munns via tibro305@gmail.com