14 April, 2021
Some sectors are thriving, says Member for Longman
THE JobKeeper Payment scheme ended recently but many local businesses have flourished nonetheless, according to Federal Member for Longman, Terry Young.
“JobKeeper helped all of Australia immensely, however the economy rebounded very quickly in a lot of sectors, mainly manufacturing and construction,” Mr Young said.
The Member for Longman conceded that it was a different story for tourism, hospitality and the wine industry, although he deemed that tourism wasn’t such a big factor in his electorate, compared with the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Cairns.
While considering that “everyone just went into panic mode” at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic a little over a year ago, Mr Young deemed that JobKeeper “installed confidence back into the community. Ninety per cent of local businesses I talk to are flying,” he said.
“Rarely do they say they’re doing it tough.”
Mr Young used caravan makers as an example, saying the demand was very high.
The Member for Longman said that JobKeeper “had to have an end date”, and that COVID-19 assistance would be a key focus in this year’s budget but would be more “targeted” than last year.
Mr Young said that a blanket approach was needed last year because of uncertainty over the ramifications of COVID-19, but that growers of certain types and industries such as wine and travel would need more attention this time.
“In a lot of ways you have to react to the overseas market,” he said.