4 June, 2021
Sharing thoughts on cancer over Biggest Morning Tea
FINE and sunny weather paved the way for an enjoyable morning at the Woodford Community House on Thursday, May 27, as an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event took place.
Forty attendees accepted the chance to have a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy homemade baking including cakes, cupcakes, biscuits, slices, and sandwiches.
The attendees also enjoyed socialising and meeting new people, while raising $248 for the Cancer Council.
There was a common bond as many of the attendees had been deeply affected by cancer, including Susan Embrey who was diagnosed with liver cancer on Mother’s Day last year.
Susan said she had had a lump that was about the size of a cricket ball, before she recently received the all-clear.
Although there were difficult times, Susan said she now enjoyed each day and didn’t spend time worrying about what had happened to her.
“You don’t let it control you,” she said with regard to cancer.
“I can mow again, so I’m happy.”
On that note, Susan’s daughter Nicky Lambourne noted that her mum was able to do the whipper-snipping as well.
Nicky meanwhile has had several friends who have battled breast cancer. Her message about cancer was simple: “You fight it. You don’t let it beat you.”
Susan and Nicky said the most important thing was having the support of family and friends, while “little acts” meant a lot, such as cooking for someone or giving them a hug.
Nicky said that although one did not want to sound like they were whinging or whining, it was nonetheless okay to say they didn’t feel well.
In a similar vein, Gail Ellis said it was sometimes hard to know what to say, because knowing that the person might feel lousy meant it didn’t necessarily feel right to ask “how are you going?”
Carol Robinson, who was widowed, commented that she “wanted to turn something awful into something positive”.
A cancer survivor herself, Carol said there was a pre-departure wake for her then husband, with this occasion involving fundraising for the Cancer Council.
Carol remarked that all fundraising for research was extremely important to humanity.
“It’s good to see where the money is going, and to talk to researchers, professors and doctors,” she said.
“They do a great job. They’re very appreciative of fundraising.”
Woodford Community House vice-president and volunteer coordinator Richard Payne, meanwhile, took the chance to raise awareness of providing a friendly, safe, active and supportive environment via the Woodford Community House.
“It’s about inclusivity and bringing everyone together, no matter who you are,” he said.
“It’s to do with the health and well-being of the community.”
Richard estimated that the majority of the people at the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event were first-time attendants at Woodford Community House.