7 December, 2024
Rocket show wins
Caboolture Community FM Radio’s (101.5FM) AGM on Saturday, November 30, at the Caboolture Sports Club, saw father/daughter duo Steve and Dameeka Middleton win the People’s Choice Award for their Wednesday evening program ‘Rocket Show'.
Steve, who is the general manager for the Bribie Island Golf Club, said the the award was “a surprise,” as all he and his daughter “just” put on a small show playing music they enjoy.
“We thank you for the opportunity you gave us several years ago and look forward to 2025, wherever it may lead,” he said.
“Dameeka has reached out to many local bands in order to promote local and to give some airplay to good Aussie talent, which is very hard for these groups.
“Although not quite classic hits, which is the theme of the station, we trust it is a good point of difference.”
Their show has resulted in Dameeka also branching out into band photography, also volunteering for Yelo magazine’s Sunshine Coast edition.
“Where this all leads for Dameeka, who knows,” her proud dad said.
Another stand-out award of the lunch was presented to secretary for the board of directors Peter Blakeney, who won the Team Work Award, and Life Member Award.
Peter helped set up Noosa FM and, 25 years ago, joined 101.5FM.
Next year’s AGM promises to bring something special, as 101.5FM will be celebrating 40 years of broadcasting to the community.