

29 January, 2025

Programs to support local

City of Moreton Bay is launching five programs to support and upskill small businesses, while driving employment and economic growth long term.

One of the programs, ‘Master Your Food business’, aims to support the café and restaurant trade.

Businesses can register for the program through Council website.

Another program expected to revitalise trade areas is the Shopfront Renewal Program.

This program will provide free and vibrant decals to vacant commercial properties.

Applications open in February 2025.

The UniSC Tax Clinic Program will be delivered in partnership with UniSC at both The Mill at Petrie and Caboolture, and will offer home-based and micro businesses operating free tax workshops.

This program will be taking applications from March 2025.

The Beyond the Farm Gate Program will connect farmers and primary producers with tailored workshops, seminars, and online courses from March 2025, to help them create a new revenue stream and business opportunity.

The Eco-Certification and Accreditation Support Program will assist tourism businesses to become eco certified and accredited.

This helps get local businesses ready for 2032 and beyond.

Businesses can access this program from March 2025.

More info at


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