

28 June, 2024

New candidate announced for Nanango

Nanango resident Jason Miles, a dedicated advocate for Christian conservative values, has announced his candidacy for the seat of Nanango in the upcoming Queensland election.

New candidate announced for Nanango - feature photo

Amongst his promises is a pledge to prioritise the concerns voiced directly by residents.

Growing up in Wondai, where he contributed to his family’s café, The Cosy Del, and excelling in cricket from a young age, he now resides in Nanango, where he continues to be actively involved in local issues. Some of the initiatives proposed by Mr Miles include:

  • Championing community interests by halting the advancement of grid scale renewable projects until comprehensive planning and governance frameworks are established. His goal is to safeguard local communities, agricultural industries, and the environment from hasty renewable initiatives.

  • Tackling youth crime by working closely with community leaders to implement effective strategies to reduce youth re-off ending. He advocates for diversion programs, enhanced education, counselling, and mentoring opportunities to provide alternatives to incarceration, creating a more promising future for young people.

  • Easing cost of living by advocating for affordable energy prices and promoting competition to boost job creation in the region. He says he will fight for equitable distribution of state revenue to alleviate financial pressures on local councils, and push for legislation that differentiates between urban and rural needs.

  • Enhancing healthcare by attracting skilled medical professionals to the region, offering competitive incentives and professional development opportunities, and collaborating with medical schools on targeted recruitment programs. His goal is to ensure improved healthcare access for all residents.

  • Developing infrastructure by advocating for increased funding for local governments through Road Maintenance Performance Contracts (RMPC), ensuring roads and bridges are safe and reliable.

  • Housing accessibility by addressing affordability and homelessness. He plans to streamline planning and building regulations to offer more flexible housing options.

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Mobile: 0494 079 425.


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