

9 February, 2025

NBN full-fibre upgrades to help thousands of homes

The Federal Government is set to make an equity injection of up to $3 billion to expand full-fibre NBN upgrades, meaning an additional 3,245 homes and businesses in Blair will get access to world class full fibre upgrades.

Shayne Neumann MP pleased additional 3,245 homes and businesses in Blair will get full-fi bre upgrades.
Shayne Neumann MP pleased additional 3,245 homes and businesses in Blair will get full-fi bre upgrades.

This will benefit Somerset families and small businesses across Minden, Fernvale, Esk, and Lowood. This expansion will mean finishing the upgrades to the existing copper network.

This is in addition to the 36,141 premises in Blair already able to access higher speed broadband this year under the Federal Government’s fibre upgrade program.

Federal Member for Blair, Shayne Neumann, said all up, about 95.6 per cent of premises in Blair’s fixed line footprint would be able to get speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second once all upgrades were complete.

“I’m proud to be part of a government that’s upgrading the NBN and building the Ipswich and Somerset area’s future,” he said.


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