25 May, 2021
Kilcoy Show Prime Beef champions - Diamond L Charolais Stud
Judging for the Prime Cattle Section of the Kilcoy Show commenced at 6.30 am on Friday 7th May 2021 under the careful eye of judge David Musch from JBS at Dinmore.

The cattle had been penned by 3 pm the day before with Chief Steward Tony Woodrow overseeing the proceedings, with the help of stewards Dennis Bleakley, Glen Cameron, Blue Gleeson, Frank Patrick, Tony Martin, Donald McConnel, Kym Modistach, Clayton Roxborough, Jeff Shallcross, Darrell Smith, Kelvin Smith, Gary Webster, Ben Woodrow, Brett Woodrow, and Josh Woodrow.
The assistants were Mrs. Robyn Webster, Mrs. Wendy Smith, Mrs Kate Woodrow and Miss Libby Woodrow. These ladies purchase all the trophies locally and do lots of behind the scenes work. A total of eighty eight head of cattle came before the watchful eye of the judge. Glen Cameron said that the numbers were down quite a bit, but the quality of the cattle was high.
At the conclusion of the cattle judging the Junior Judges Competition took place together with the Highest Placed Local Young Judge. This was also competently judged by David Musch who gave the young judges a talk on their judging etc. Sarah Benbow won the Junior section with Chelsea Ferling taking out second place and Kodi Harrison third. Sarah will go on to represent the North Coast Sub Chamber at the Exhibition in Brisbane in August 2021. Sarah Benbow also took out the highest placed local young judge. The winners were presented with prizes from sponsors Kym and Denise Modistach and Don and Andrea Mc Connel.
The trophy presentation commenced at 1 pm with Glen Cameron speaking and thanking everyone for their help and thanking the exhibitors etc.
Pens Pasture Fed Steers and Bullocks
Unfortunately, this year there were not any entries in these classes, but the trophy donors were thanked, and the trophies would be held over until next year’s show. The donors were - Brett and Kate Woodrow and Family; Jimna Grazing Co (Charlie and Sharon Stanton); Ray White Rural Kilcoy; Shepherdson and Boyd, and Dave Lewis.
Junior Pasture Fed Steer or Bullock
Class 6 - Single Yearling (Steer or Heifer) under 250 kg live weight, trophy donated by Tony and Karen Martin and Family, first and second Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 6a – Single Yearling (Steer or Heifer) 360 kg or less live weight, trophy donated by June Eaton and Family (Yedina Farming), first and second Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 7 - Butcher’s Steer Single Milk Tooth Steer under 475 kg live weight, trophy donated by Gary and Anna Tones (Woodside Cattle) and Casey and Alana Tones (Woodside Cutting Horses), won by Ellsey ALB Pastoral; Class 8 - Single Milk Tooth Steer, trophy donated by Colin Pershouse, won by Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 9 – “The S K Stanton Memorial Trophy” for Single Steer showing two permanent teeth or less, trophy donated by Anna and Lindsay Stanton, won by Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 10 - Single Bullock bred and owned by exhibitor, trophy donated by Yabba Pastoral Company (Owen & Paula Bassingthwaighte and Family), won by Kodi ALB Pastoral, second Ferling Pastoral Co; Class 11 - Junior Champion Steer, Cameron Stock and Rural Trophy, donated by Glen and Laurel Cameron, won by Kodi Harrison.
Senior Pasture Fed Steer or Bullock
Class 12 - Single Steer showing four permanent teeth or less, trophy donated by Ben Woodrow, won by Gary and Robyn Webster, second Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 13 - Single Steer showing six permanent teeth or less, “The Ian Stanton Memorial Trophy” donated by Mrs Joan M Stanton and Mrs Lisa Arnold, won by Samuel Webster, second Ferling Pastoral Co; Class 14 - Single Steer showing eight permanent teeth, “The D Roy Stanton Memorial Trophy” donated by The Stanton Family won by Gary and Robyn Webster; Class 15 - Senior Champion Steer or Bullock, “The Bob Woodrow Memorial Trophy” donated by the Tony and Brett Woodrow and Families, won by Gary and Robyn Webster.
Champion Pasture Fed Steer or Bullock
Class 16 - Grand Champion Pasture Fed Steer or Bullock, trophy donated by Hayes & Co, won by Kodi Harrison. Class 17 - Reserve Champion Steer or Bullock, trophy donated by Ferling Pastoral Company, won by Gary and Robyn Webster.
Pen of Pasture Fed Females
Class 18 - Pen of 2 Females showing two permanent teeth or less, trophy donated by Amy Harrison, won by first and second Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 19 - Pen of two Females showing four or six permanent teeth, trophy donated by Rodney and Susan Pratten, no entries but they were thanked for their trophy; Class 20 - Pen of Two Females showing eight permanent teeth, trophy donated by Tony and Bronwyn Woodrow, won by Gary and Robyn Webster, second Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 21 - Champion Pen of Females, trophy donated by HLE Smith Livestock Carriers, won by ALB Pastoral.
Pasture Fed Female
Class 22 - Single Female showing two permanent teeth or less, trophy donated by Josh Woodrow Mobile Welding, won by Gary and Roby Webster; Class 23 - Single Female showing four or six permanent teeth, trophy donated by Lester and Gill Bechly, won by Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 24 - Single Female showing eight permanent teeth, trophy donated by Hansen Family Trust, won by Samuel Webster; Class 25 - Champion Pasture Fed Female, “The Sam Webster Memorial Trophy” donated by Gary and Robyn Webster and Family won by Gary and Robyn Webster.
Carcass Class & On Hoof Judging
Class 26a - Kilcoy Vet Practice on Hoof Judging. Carcass Class Heavy Weight Grain Fed Steer, Trophy donated by Kilcoy Vet Practice 1st $100 trophy, 2nd $50, 3rd $30, and 4th $20 – First, third and fourth Douglas Webster, second Diamond L Charolais Stud; Class 26b - Kilcoy Vet Practice on Hoof Judging. Carcass Class Light Weight Grain Fed Steer. Trophy donated by Kilcoy Vet Practice (Kevin and Ellen Agius) - 1st $100 trophy, 2nd $50, 3rd $30, and 4th $20 - won by Amy ALB Pastoral, second Drynan Family, third Amy ALB Pastoral, and fourth Gallanani Grazing; Class 27 - Boeringer Inglheim & Kilcoy Rural Weight Gain Competition, open to ALL Steers in grain fed classes, providing cattle have been fed at Smithfield Feedlot, trophy donated ($500 prize money) by Kilcoy Rural and Boeringer Inglheim – First Drynan Family gain 3.013 kg day, second Douglas Webster gain 2.099 kg day and third Diamond L Charolais 2.091 kg day. Class 26 – Kilcoy Pastoral Company Single Steer Grain Fed Carcass Competition, trophy donated by Kilcoy Pastoral Co first $250, second $150, third $70, and fourth $30. Steers – First Amy ALB Pastoral, second Drynan Family, third Amy ALB Pastoral, and fourth Gallanani Grazing. Heifers – Diamond L Charolais (Greg and Tracey Lee, Nanango), second Tony Woodrow, third Amy ALB Pastoral, and fourth Diamond L Stud.
Unrestricted Grain Fed Steers & Bullocks
Class 28 - Single Steer showing no permanent teeth, trophy donated by Nutrien Ag Solutions, won by Diamond L, second Tony Woodrow; Class 29 - Single Steer showing two permanent teeth or less, trophy donated by Christensen’s Bus Lines, won by Gary and Robyn Webster, second Douglas Webster; Class 30 – “The Ken Webster Memorial Trophy” for Single Steer or Bullock bred and owned by the exhibitor, donated by Ronnie Webster and Family, won by Diamond L Charolais, and second Tony Woodrow; Class 31 - Single Steer or Bullock over 530 kg live weight, trophy donated by Kelvin Smith & Family, won by Gary and Robyn Webster, second Douglas Webster; Class 32 - Pen of Two Steers showing two permanent teeth or less, trophy donated by Denis and Pat Bleakley, won by Gary and Robyn Webster, second Amy ALB Pastoral; Class 33 - Pen of Two Steers or Bullocks any age, trophy donated by David and Robyn Moffett, won by Amy ALB Pastoral, second Douglas Webster; Class 34 - Champion Male Unrestricted Grain Fed Exhibit, “The Mt Kilcoy Hall Trophy”, donated by The Mount Kilcoy Progress Association, won by Diamond L Charolais Stud.
Carcass Class Grain Fed Females
Class 35a – On Hoof Judging of the Carcass Single Heifer Grain Fed, Trophy donated by Stoneleigh Pastoral Company (Clayton and Madonna Roxborough) first and second Diamond L, third Sarah Benbow. Class 35b – Heifer Weight Gain Competition open to ALL heifers in grain fed classes fed at Smithfield Feedlot. Trophy donated by Aussie Land & Livestock. First Diamond L Stud 2.41 kg day, tie second between Tony Woodrow, ALB Pastoral and Diamond L Stud all at 2.21 kg day.
Unrestricted Grain Fed Females
Class 36 – Single Unrestricted Grain Fed Heifer any age, trophy donated by Don and Andrea Mc Connel, won by Tony Woodrow, second Diamond L Stud; Class 37 – Pen of Two Unrestricted Grain Fed Heifers any age, trophy donated by Darryl and Wendy Smith, no entries but they were thanked for their trophy; Class 38 - Champion Unrestricted Grain Fed Female Exhibit, trophy donated by Ferbank Livestock Carriers (Steve ad Pat), won by Tony Woodrow.
Champion Exhibit
Class 39 - Champion Exhibit of the Show, trophy donated by Kilcoy Rural and Virbac, won by Diamond L Charolais Stud (Greg and Tracey Lee, Nanango); Class 40 - Most Successful Grass Fed Exhibitor of the Show, trophy donated by Cooper’s Animal Health - $100 Trophy won by ALB Pastoral (Amy Harrison); Class 41 - Most Successful Grain Fed Exhibitor of the Show, “The Bill Mc Aulay Memorial Trophy” and $200 prize money donated by John and Lynne Mc Aulay, won Diamond L Charolais Stud.

Prime Beef Champion Exhibit Kilcoy Show won by Diamond L Charolais Stud (Greg and Tracey Lee, of Nanango)