

23 August, 2024

Kilcoy project plans

Eight members of the Friends of Jinibara, a sub-committee of the Kilcoy Progress Alliance, convened at Yowie Park on Friday, August 16, to deliberate on various initiatives aimed at enhancing the Kilcoy community.

Cheryl Gaedtke, Dr Gabriela Shuster, Margaret van Breeman, Cr Michael Bishop, Ronnie Webster and Don Walker.
Cheryl Gaedtke, Dr Gabriela Shuster, Margaret van Breeman, Cr Michael Bishop, Ronnie Webster and Don Walker.

Following the successful launch of Uncle Noel Blair’s memoir, the group has embarked on several new projects, including the development of a native garden at Kilcoy State High School.

The garden, designed and planted by students and teachers, features a watering system to support its edible and functional plants.

In addition to this, the Friends of Jinibara are working on providing educational materials about Indigenous history to the Kilcoy Information Centre.

They are exploring the use of portable and cost-effective pull-up banners for this purpose.

The group is also planning to replace the damaged sign at the fruiting bush-tucker garden at Kilcoy Hospital with a new, updated version.

Lastly, with streetscape improvements underway, the Friends of Jinibara are considering the inclusion of artwork to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the streets.

These initiatives are part of the group’s ongoing commitment to fostering community development and cultural appreciation in Kilcoy.


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