14 April, 2021
Kilcoy Greenleaves and Garden Club
For our April meeting, the flower for the month is a Rose, the pot plant is a Coleus and the arrangement is An Easter Theme.
Results from our March meeting:
Flower of the Day (Gerbera):
Norma Hooper( Off White).
Jan Morgan (Clear Yellow).
Pat Berich (Double Red)
Best in Garden:
Norma Hooper (White Eucharis Lily).
Evelyn Aitken (Cerise Bouganvillea).
Judy Morrow (Light green Bouganvillea with pink tinge).
Cut of Shrub or Vine:
Peter Cruice (Pink Bower Vine).
Gloria Lang.
Sylvia Gilbert.
Three Cuts Distinct:
Jan Morgan.
Gloria Lang.
Judy Morrow.
Jan Morgan.
Judy Morrow.
Gloria Lang, 3. Col Ferguson.
Crucifix Orchid:
Gloria Lang.
Native Bloom:
Peter Cruice (Ivory Curl Flower).
Sylvia Gilbert (Callistemon).
Pot Plant (Fern not a maidenhair):
Peter Cruice (Drynaria).
Jan Morgan (Grub Fern).
Norma Hooper.
Floral Arrangement (St Patrick’s Day):
Marilyn Aldridge.
Sylvia Gilbert.
Gloria Lang. =3. Evelyn Aitken.
Champion Bloom was awarded to Norma Hooper for her Eucharis Lily.
Our March meeting was attended by 15 members. The competition table was awash with entries especially the pot plant section . I think every fern was a different variety with Peter winning this section with his fabulous big fern.
After the meeting the members went to visit Sherrie Maher’s garden. I hear members went home with cuttings to enlarge their gardens maybe it’s just as well I couldn’t go .
Our meetings take place at the Anglian Church Hall in William Street Kilcoy every 3rd Monday of the month, anyone wanting to join our club can come along to see what we get up to.
The meetings start at 9.30am and members are asked to have their entries to the hall by 9.15am for judging.