
Real Estate

18 September, 2024

‘Just take the whole house’

Health concerns dismissed as council moves in on couple’s retirement dreams

‘Just take the whole house’ - feature photo

A MORAYFIELD couple is asking Council to resume their entire property, after recently having their vision of a peaceful retirement in their home of over 30 years shattered, as Moreton Bay Council (MBC) intends to resume part of their property to expand Caboolture River Road (CRR). Council has also dismissed health concerns that medical experts say 83-year-old resident John Walsh would suffer as a result of the partial resumption.

A Council response said the planned resumption outweighed the cost to Mr Walsh’s health. John and wife, Elaine, were served with an intention to resume letter in October 2023, stating Council needs about 78 square metres of their 600 square metre, corner property to proceed with the upgrade and four lane expansion of CRR. The intended area to be resumed would result in construction taking place only 1.4 metres from their kitchen, along with the removal of their beloved garden, which they have invested countless hours of time and money on. According to Mr and Mrs Walsh, the proximity of construction and, afterwards the new road, would make the property unliveable, given the noise, heat, fume and light disruption, along with complete loss of privacy, as their fenceline would have to be removed. 

Another concern involves the proposed light intersection on Amy Street, which would be placed in front of the Walsh’s property, which only has one driveway entrance. According to the Walsh’s, this intersection light will make it extremely unsafe for them to drive in and out of the property, including reversing trailers. “The major problem started when we said to our solicitor ‘We can’t stay here, take the whole property’... after that we have had nothing but problems because they keep fudging us off ,” Mr Walsh said. 

The Walshs also presented Council with medical certificates attesting to the severe stress this ordeal has placed on the 77 and 83 year-old residents’ health, including aggravating Mr Walsh’s pre-existing health condition. When presenting Council’s solicitior with their extensive list of arguments for a full resumption of the property, as opposed to the partial resumption proposed by Council, the Walshs got a reply stating: “the factors in favour of acquiring the land outweigh the disadvantage to the landowners, such that the resumption should continue as set out in the notice of intention to resume”. “We are not self funded retirees but D.V.A pensioners, who have poured hundreds of man hours and a great deal of our savings into converting this house into a home, which it has been for the past 33 years and where we were determined to remain self-sufficiently till the end of our days. 

This comfort has now been removed,” Mr Walsh said. “As the final decision rests with the Mayor and advisors, we are issuing an invitation to Peter Flannery and our Division 3 Councillor Adam Hain: Come, stand in our yard and in front of media, present your questions to us in an open and direct manner.” 

A Council spokesperson said officers have been “working amicably and openly with Mr and Mrs Walsh” in respect to land requirements for the project. “Council officers are committed to continuing to work with the Walsh’s to respond to their concerns about the impacts of the project to them and their property,” they said. “Council’s upgrade of Caboolture River Road (between Morayfield Road and Grant Road) is required to meet the existing and growing needs of the local community of Morayfield including the major expansion area of Waraba.” 

State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan, said he is “very aware” of the issues the Walshs are having with Council. “My staff have met with John Walsh about the matter on several occasions and I have been in the trenches fighting for them with the City of Moreton Bay Council,” he said. “I certainly understand and empathise with the Walshs, as this is potentially a major upheaval in their lives.

I’ve expressed those concerns to Council, but ultimately the decision lies with Council. “I’ll always go into bat for my local residents. If anyone finds themselves in a tough situation they should always reach out and I’ll do my level best to assist.


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