

2 April, 2024

It’s Bishop for the win

Michael Bishop has secured the sixth councillor seat on Somerset Council, after a close race with former councillor Bob Whalley, winning by a margin of just over 200 votes.

The new Somerset Council: Mayor Jason Wendt (middle); Councillors (left to right): Kylee Isidro, Michael Bishop, Michael Bishop, Tiara Hurley, Sally Jess, Brett Freese, Helen Brieschke.
The new Somerset Council: Mayor Jason Wendt (middle); Councillors (left to right): Kylee Isidro, Michael Bishop, Michael Bishop, Tiara Hurley, Sally Jess, Brett Freese, Helen Brieschke.

Cr Bishop called the outcome humbling, and he acknowledged the legacy left by Mr Whalley.

“Bob has contributed a great deal to the region and his legacy will continue”, he said.

“I got to know him quite well during the campaign and I believe that he is a good person who will continue to contribute to our community.

“I am sure that he will be missed.”

Being one of four first-time councillors, Cr Bishop said the first thing he wants to do is learn the rules and understand the current issues facing Council.

“We will have to form a new team under a new mayor and this will take time and eff ort.

“As a new councillor, I will start working with the community to establish at least one new Neighbourhood Centre and follow-up on the many issues presented to me and other candidates during the campaign.

“I believe in working to strengthen our civil society and this is the first time in my life that I have moved into a formal political role representing people who don’t really know me. This means that I have much to learn.”

Along with Cr Bishop, the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has also declared Jason Wendt as the successful mayoral candidate for Somerset Regional Council.

The other five successful councillor candidates have also been declared to be Tiara Hurley, Helen Brieschke, Sally Jess, Brett Freese, and Kylee Isidro.

All seven councillors were sworn into off ice with the official “Declaration of Off ice” occurring on Thursday, March 28 at Esk.

These elected officials will now represent the interests of the Somerset community in their off icial roles as councillor for the next four years.

Somerset Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Johnson, congratulated the elected officials on being selected by residents of Somerset and recognised the eff orts of all candidates in the lead up to the election.

“Together we look forward to working for the betterment of Somerset now and into the future,” Mr Johnson said.

The first council meeting for the new team will be held on Wednesday, 10 April at Esk.

New Somerset Mayor, Jason Wendt (right), with Somerset Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Johnson (left).
New Somerset Mayor, Jason Wendt (right), with Somerset Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Johnson (left).

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