

7 October, 2024

Fire ant fight needs state

Somerset Regional Council is calling on the State Government (SG) to fund fire ant control, which is now a local government responsibility.

Council is now required to conduct surveillance for fire ants on Council land (owned, leased or managed), conduct treatment (reactive and preventative) and respond to public reports for fire ants on Council land in the recently defined Fire Ant Suppression Area.

“This additional task that local governments now have to undertake will cost ratepayers money and then there’s the additional resources we need to implement,” he said.

“The SG’s Fire Ant Response Plan 2023-2027 requires resources beyond normal operations and that comes at a cost.

“It’s challenging for Somerset, in particular, because we are the largest local government area in South East Queensland.”

Cr Wendt said Council needed the State to invest a minimum of $300,000 annually for the next four years to support Council in its fire ant fighting efforts.

“Fire ants pose a huge biosecurity risk. We need to work together to fight these invasive super pests but we need the SG to help fund the fight.”

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