12 December, 2023
Elvis is back in the building
The “Kings of the 50’s” event rocked the Woodford Memorial Hall as there was a full house of at least 250 music lovers and dancers on the night of Saturday, December 2

Presented by the Woodford Lions Club, the event featured the music of Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly, well presented by Steve (Elvis) and Ken (Buddy Holly) and their band.
The night also featured two other guests who captivated the large crowd in their own way.
Seven-year-old Olivia came as a female Elvis, followed by Julie’s arrival as a buxom Marilyn Monroe.
A Woodford Lions spokesperson said it was very pleasing to see a strong turnout of Woodfordites at the event, as well as many dancers who have supported Woodford’s previous ‘Dancing In The Cool’ events.
“As much as the music of Elvis and Buddy was a magnet for many, so is the Woodford Memorial Hall as a great dance venue which the dancing community rave about and return to at every opportunity,” the spokesperson said.
“One of the returning couples made their way down from Cooktown for the event as well as those from Kilcoy, Moore, Toogoolawah, Caboolture, Bribie Island and Brisbane.
“As with previous events, there were again calls for more dancing in Woodford.
“A call that other community groups in Woodford might cease on for 2024!”
The spokesperson said the event was generously sponsored by the D’Aguilar Pub, while many thanks must go to Cricket and his team for supporting such events for Woodford.
The Woodford Lions Club would like to thank everyone who supported the night, with a special mention of the Lions volunteers and Woodford dancers.