28 August, 2023
Council supports $3M low-impact recreation project on Mount Glen Rock
SOMERSET Regional Council will apply for funding under the Queensland Government’s Growing Future Tourism Fund for low impact hiking trails to the summit of Mount Glen Rock, sport climbing access and associated visitor access improvements, following a unanimous decision at its August 23 meeting in Esk.
Since receiving the Mount Glen Rock Adventure Park draft master plan from consultants Otium Planning Group in early 2022, Somerset Regional Council has taken a stepped approach to progressing the appropriate development of the outdoor recreation area, including extensive consultation with the community, traditional custodians and specialised environmental experts.
Economic Development and Tourism Committee Chair and Somerset Regional Councillor Graeme Lehmann said Council was continuing ecological investigations, with a further visit by the specialist consultants expected in the next month or two.
“Earlier this year, we finalised a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for Mount Glen Rock in collaboration with the traditional custodians. As part of our partnership with the Jagera People, the project will encompass First Nations surveys, preserving stories and conducting historical research, to enrich our collective understanding of our past.
“It’s important that we continue to plan and develop Mount Glen Rock in a respectful and sustainable way,“ Cr Lehmann said.
“All councillors are in full support of the current project plan, and we are united in our confidence that we are taking the best-informed approach in giving Mount Glen Rock a prime place in our region’s profile.”
The proposed project includes two hiking trails and access to a climbing site that will be available for training use by visiting teams in the lead up to the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games. Additionally, the project will provide enhancements to car parking, an upgrade of Lions Park and installation of ecological and cultural interpretative signage.
Councillor Lehmann Council listened and learned from past experiences.
“This project is tailored to fit Mount Glen Rock’s unique character and reflects our commitment to preserving our history and environment, while also contributing to our region’s well-being. This proposal directly responds to our unemployment rate of 6.8%, the highest among south east Queensland council areas,” Cr Lehmann said.
Under the terms of the funding program, Council would contribute 50 per cent of the estimated $3M project cost.