24 August, 2023
Christmas in July at Mt Mee
BETWEEN 40 and 50 people gathered at a private residence in Mt Mee as the Mt Mee District Historical Society Inc (MMDHSI) celebrated its annual Christmas in July function on Saturday, July 29.
MMDHSI president Marshall Wakerley said the function was one of many activities the MMDHSI holds each year, to raise funds to assist its plans to one day be in a position to build a museum to house a diverse range of themes.
“This includes early settlers to the district, bullocky days of timber getting, dairying over the years and our soldiers during the war years,” he said.
Attendees came from Mt Mee, Woodford, Caboolture, Redcliffe, Scarborough, Bracken Ridge and Ocean View, with many of the people relishing the chance to catch up after not seeing each other for a considerable length of time.
The community church was a common interest, and was among many topics that arose in discussions.
The gathering of people also enjoyed the views which involved looking north-west to Kilcoy, and south-east to the skyline of Brisbane.
State Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell, was a guest along with Roy Gillespie who engaged in bush poetry.
Roy recited The Man From Snowy River and The Man From Ironbark, with the latter poem proving particularly entertaining for the gathering.
A three-course meal was consumed, with soup for entrée before the lunch and main course involved three choices of roast meat with vegetables.
The dessert comprised plum pudding while custard, cream and ice cream were also available.
Raffle prizes included wine, chocolate, photo frames, pot plants and plant pots, with the MMDHSI making a profit of $1,443 through the raffles and a donation.
One surprise emerged with the main prize; a wrapped-up bottle of wine which also had a prize of $100 that was hidden in the wrapping paper!
The MMDHSI thanked hosts Rodney and Anne Eaton for the use of their property.