

28 July, 2024

Abortion services get over $20M

The State Government is investing $20.78 million into bolstering access to abortion service and support workforce.

Recruitment is underway for up to 22 full time nurses, midwives, social workers and senior medical officers across our state’s Hospital and Health Services.

An additional $8 million in funding has been awarded to local NGO Children by Choice to provide crucial wrap around support and improved access to safe abortion services.

Up to one third of Australian women experience an unintended pregnancy in their lifetime, and in one in three of these pregnancies, women will choose termination of pregnancy.

This funding of between $1 million and $1.6 million for each Hospital and Health Service, will see the new specialist positions work closely with patients to navigate their care options and access time-critical abortion services.

This significant investment follows landmark law reforms to enable suitably qualified nurses and midwives to perform termination of pregnancy.

The funding is part of the State Government’s $41.8 million investment to support the implementation of the Termination of Pregnancy Action Plan 2032.


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