

10 February, 2025

A free alternative to mental distress

Safe Space services in Caboolture, Redcliffe, Strathpine and Bardon, is a free mental health service that has led to 900 avoided emergency department admissions and hospitalisations across it’s four locations in Moreton Bay.

A free alternative to mental distress - feature photo

Serving as an alternative to emergency departments for people experiencing mental distress or suicidal crisis, it’s estimated over $7.5 million have been saved from avoided emergency department admissions.

The service operates after hours, in the evenings and weekends, when often the only option for people experiencing significant distress is to present to emergency departments. The service also has a clinician available on-site to offer support with crisis intervention, safety, clinical pathways, debriefing, and clinical supervision.

With hospitals experiencing growing mental health emergency department presentations, Safe Spaces are designed to help alleviate pressures faced by emergency departments, as well as provide a more suitable environment for people in crisis.

The Safe Space workforce is peer-led and staffed by peer workers with their own lived experience of suicide and/or distress.

“Safe Spaces were created in response to growing mental health emergency department presentations and recognition that this environment is not designed for people experiencing crisis,” he said. “There is a need for alternatives. The service provides a supportive environment tailored to assisting all people, helping reduce feelings of distress and offering an alternative. Our team of peer workers provide non-judgemental support to help people stay safe.”

The Safe Space Network in Brisbane North supports between 250 - 300 people each month.

Feedback indicates high satisfaction, with 89 percent of guests feeling their needs were met, 82 percent of guests agreeing with the statement that they felt like the Safe Space really understood them and could relate to their situation, and 83 percent of guests agreeing staff were capable and able to meet their support needs at the time.

Safe Space Strathpine Peer Practice Leader, Vin Borg, said guests have choice and control over the support they receive and can receive a follow-up call the next day.

More info at


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