8 December, 2023
A farewell to Father David
The Caboolture-based St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School multi-purpose centre was packed to capacity on Sunday November 26 as parishioners gave thanks and said farewell to Father David Pascoe, the Parish priest of Living Waters.
More than 600 people attended the farewell celebration as parishioners came from the four Living Waters Catholic Parish worshipping centres: St. Peter’s Caboolture, St. Michael’s Kilcoy, St. Mary’s Woodford and Little Flower Bribie Island.
Representatives from these worshipping centres, along with Parish staff and members of cultural communities, spoke during the Mass about the impact which Fr David’s ministry had on them in the past five to six years.
After the Mass, attendees enjoyed a BBQ lunch and cake while entertainment was provided by the Samoan Youth choir and local piper Howard Arthur.
Living Waters Catholic Parish secretary Sharron Macrae said the size of the crowd expressed the esteem which Fr David was held in by his parishioners.
“Building his leadership on a foundation of open communication, and genuine care for his Parish served him well,” Sharron said.
Fr David is set to take up a new role as director of Clergy Life and Ministry, and director of Diaconate Ministry within the Archdiocese of Brisbane.
Back in 2018, Fr David had been appointed as priest of the then Caboolture Parish which comprised Caboolture, Bribie Island and its surrounds.
In 2020, Fr David was tasked with amalgamating the Caboolture Parish with its neighbour: the Stanley Rivers Parish of Woodford and Kilcoy. Sharron said this was a case of creating the Parish of Living Waters, spanning 100 kilometres.
“Trying to successfully merge two historically rich parishes in the midst a worldwide pandemic was no mean feat, but it was magnificently achieved under his guidance,” she said.
“The outcome of that success and the ensuing relationship he has built up with his parishioners was demonstrated by the 600-plus people who attended his farewell celebration.
“The Parish of Living Waters will miss Fr David immensely, and thank him for his gentle leadership and friendship.”